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Love and Money in Tarot

Major Arcana In Tarot Love & Money

Three or more Major Arcana cards in a Tarot reading means you and your partner are in for some major changes in this area. The optimism of an auspicious start comes with the Fool card.  However, the end of a long and maybe painful cycle comes with the World card.  

Cups Cards Love & Money

The Cups cards in the Tarot are great to get in reading on the state of your connection and your shared finances. Cups signify deep feelings, intense feelings, and many combinations of love and relationships. Relying on the particular card in the Cups Suit, some of them can discuss different types of partnerships, including business and platonic. If you get flipped cards in the Cups Suit, it signals emotional blocks between you and your partner, deception from one side of the equation, or the need to stop dwelling in the past when it comes to financial mistakes made by either party.

Wands Cards Love & Money

Usually, this indicates your love life is about to embark on great passion and excitement. The Wands cards in the Tarot also signal power and action.  This means you and your partner are full and equal partners both in your finances and in your romantic partnership. Reversed Wands cards signify pessimistic feelings about finances and romance. So trying to find inspiration and passion is needed.  

Swords Cards Love & Money

Many Sword cards mean you or your partner might start a business together in the future or you could work together in the present indicating new ideas or ventures. But Sword cards in the upright could also talk about some sort of struggle regarding shared finances. In the reverse, Sword cards could indicate difficult choices, burning out on the partnership, and the need for time to heal.

Pentacles Cards Love & Money

Pentacle cards signify abundance in love and finances. Many Pentacles in a reading indicate you and your partner are or will experience a bountiful romantic and financial life together. If reversed, this could signal a desire of you or your partner to hold onto your money, fear of financial loss, or being obsessed with material possessions. 

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