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Pisces Sun Scorpio Moon

Pisces Sun Scorpio Moon -The Penetrating Idealist – The Sun in Pisces Moon in Scorpio suggests a personality that researches below the surface. With an ongoing need to continuously research and improve, this a strong placement for working in surgical related industries as Pisces rules anesthesia and Scorpio rules surgery.  

Many clairvoyants are waiting to start your reading now.  3 Minutes Free Daily Free Phone and Chat Readings 1-800-498-8777.  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  ONLY the Best Psychics!

Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon

Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon -The Philosophical Idealist – The Sun in Pisces Moon in Sagittarius combination is Jupterian. This planet rules both signs. There is a need to guard overstretching oneself as there are strong themes around generosity, expansion, optimism, and extravagance.

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Pisces Sun Capricorn Moon

Pisces Sun Capricorn Moon -The Formal Idealist – The Sun in Pisces Moon in Capricorn suggests a personality that is more practical than all Pisces. This is a powerful combination for turning any creative/artistic venture into a business. Pisces is strong for imagination as Capricorn is strong for responsibility and structure. 

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Pisces Sun Aquarius Moon

Pisces Sun Aquarius Moon -The Inventive Idealist – The Sun in Pisces Moon in Aquarius combination suggests a personality that is more independent and autonomous. This blend can come to heights of unique imagination and concepts that many couldn’t. Also, this combination is humanitarian for causes that are in despair. 

Check out todays Horoscope and more!    3 Minutes Free Daily Free Phone and Chat Readings 1-800-498-8777.  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  ONLY the Best Psychics!

Pisces Sun Pisces Moon

Pisces Sun Pisces Moon -The Mystical Idealist – The Sun in Pisces Moon in Pisces suggests a personality that is the most sensitive that all combinations. Professions that require tuning into others such as healers or counselors are strong placements especially in places of confinement and/or rehabilitation.

Free horoscope and astrology  3 Minutes Free Daily Free Phone and Chat Readings 1-800-498-8777.  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  ONLY the Best Psychics!

Psychic Chat Readings are BACK!!

Psychic Chat is Back!

Major Update: Psychic Chat Readings are back. Now, you have more choices from Telephone Psychic Readings made over the telephone. Telephone Psychic Readings can also be made on our website where our system will dial you back to join, and Psychic Chat. Our Psychic Chat system is mobile-friendly.

Another popular request was adding a balance instead of paying per minute. We heard you!  On our online portal for the Telephone Psychic Readings and Psychic Chat Readings, a balance can be added.  And yes, our traditional phone line when dialed directly remains in place with the per minute system.  Simply, now you have more options!

Also, our Psychic Chat System will give you 3 Minutes FREE Daily with a Psychic you haven’t had a reading with.  This is our way of giving you a daily free sample to try a reading with a different reader.

Now have Psychic Coupons!  It seems like we were stuck in the dinosaur era!  These coupon codes for online usage in either a Telephone Psychic Reading purchased online or Psychic Chat Reading.  Feel free to use the coupon code: HappyBday through 10/31 to receive 10% off.

Finally, we have posted 144 new free Astrology videos:  12×12 Sun/Moon Combo’s.  These are 1 minute short videos that combine all Sun Signs and Moon Signs in combination through the entire zodiac.  Enjoy!

Ed Buck – Moon in Cancer Problems

Ed Buck Astrology
Ed Buck Astrology on AbsolutelyPsychic.com 1-800-498-8777

I like biopics and some media coverage of events. Rich facts in character encourage me to look at the person’s Astrology chart. Last week, I heard about the now-infamous Ed Buck. He was charged with 20 years in federal penitentiary for the death of 2 men he injected with Crystal Meth. He employed escorts and homeless men online for “party and play” sessions (drugs/sex) and injected them with Crystal Meth. 2 victims died in his house in the last few years. 

Buck was a wealthy political activist and democratic political fundraiser. Pictures of him with notable politicians including Hilary Clinton can be found online. 

Considering I once lived around the corner from where he resided, inspired me to read into this. Buck does not have a published time of birth. So, in this instance, I will provide some basics that stand out in his planetary positions.

A problematic aspect Buck was born with was the Moon in Cancer conjunct the South Node. This aspect can bring a very dominant mother that may require too much attention and stir drama. The mother may become high maintenance by resorting to dramatic theatrics and demand an enmeshed relationship with the child. She may treat the child as a surrogate partner. Guilt-tripping is typical. This can be exhausting and draining. Typically, the south node debilitates the planet it aspects. The problem with this aspect is feeling emotionally crowded each time an emotion comes to the surface. The imprint this has on a child may be very damaging as the nurturing may be associated with violence or excessive acts.

Another element that is prominent in Bucks planets is the stellium in Cancer. This more brings attention to family, the mother, politics, etc. The mother is a much stronger influence than imagined. On a side note, many wealthy individuals such as Buck have a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. This can bring sudden luck, fortunes, and influential connections. This aspect too brings attraction to the excitement and unconventional behavior. 

Moon Square Venus: This is another complicated combination where the mother may have been difficult to please. Perfectionism and high demands are impossible ever to fulfill. It can make a person an overachiever. This also creates trying to balance nurturance versus freedom in one’s relationships.

In a chart, an inflicted Moon usually has challenging aspects. In turn, a person can become emotionally stifled, disconnected, suppress their emotional nature, and resort to abusive volatile reactions.  Emotional limitations create severe nurturance problems in relationships as the expression is suppressed.

The Moon in Cancer is already an emotional Moon.  These aspects amplify the sign of  becoming emotionally out of control.  This Moon needs nurturance, security, family, and a safe home. 

The danger with this aspect is visible with Neptune/Venus as this may draw an individual to drug, alcohol, and extreme fetishes especially.  The entire stellium amplifies extremity.

Can one rise above these influences? Most definitely! Saturn in Scorpio, when used properly, can master learning lessons through hard workaround by consuming oneself in flames to rebirth new from ashes, just like a phoenix. The power of transformation is skin-deep when sought.

As for forecasting upcoming events, Buck has progressed Sun and Mercury conjunct natal Saturn.  This can be a difficult aspect if one gets in trouble with the law. One will reap what they have sewn and transform.  Saturn in Scorpio has learning lessons regarding sexuality.  Since Mercury is also involved, a movie may be written about him in the next 2 years.

The goal of this article is to dig deep into the planetary configurations. Through time and effort, one can rise from those natal positions, hence Secondary progressions. Some people may be stuck in their natal charts, whereas other people become more like their progressed chart.

Now, considering there isn’t a published time of birth, I could rectify this chart by mathematically calculating some positions. I may do this at some point or consider a second part into Buck’s victims.

Tarot Reading Standouts


The Tarot has been around for hundreds of years and is both an art and a science. We will concentrate on the specific definitions of the cards that stand out in a Tarot Reading.

Death Card:  One of the most daunting cards! People mistaken it for physical death, when in fact, it represents endings of situations or relationships. It also represents re-birth and regeneration of the soul.

The Queen of Coins indicates financial gains and security through a woman. She is depicted as a generous benefactor, someone that can help someone secure a loan from a bank, an inheritance, or generous lady that readily bestows financial favors on loved ones.

The King of Coins also represents this except the benefactor is a male energy instead.

Justice represents all legal matters. If the card faces away from the reader it means legal difficulties to overcome, but if the card is facing the reader it foretells a favorable outcome.

Swords always represent adversity. The King or Queen of Swords indicates an argumentative type of individual, a bully if you will and needs to be avoided at all costs.

Wands represent hope and security and happy results when in conjunction with the rest of the card spread. Gives extra happiness and spiritual awareness.

The Chariot represents journeys and if the card is facing the reader, it is a good time to travel, but if the card is facing OPPOSITE to the reader or upside down, it shows that traveling would be best avoided in the immediate future.

The Fool indicates a person of capricious nature, can be male or female, but is someone that cannot be trusted.

Wheel of Fortune is a very lucky card and it represents victory in virtually all endeavors. If the card is facing the reader, it means instant gratification, but if the card is opposite it means there will be a slight delay in achieving good things.

Hanged Man shows that the person is responsible for their own predicament and can often be their own worst enemy.

The Magician is always clever and will be able to have the fortitude to get themselves out of any tight situations. Will be able to rectify past problems as well.

The Tower represents the home life and family, if facing towards the reader, means problems will be resolved, if opposite, this usually means a divorce or some sort of chaos that forces a person to change their lifestyle, job and or relationships.

The Sun bestows many blessings and success in areas connected to the Major Arcana spread. Once again, if the Sun is facing the reader, immediate gratification, but if opposite, some delays but still wonderful outcome

The Devil is an individual male or female that has ulterior motives. Deception and someone with evil intent that is to be avoided at all costs as well.

The Lovers represent spiritual harmony and a lifetime of continued romance. If it faces the reader, immediate results, but if opposite, it means love will have to wait a little bit.

Lastly, the World indicates that victory and conquest in all matters. Lucky is the client that finds this gem in their deck.

Lets see what’s in your Tarot Reading ! Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury RX
Mercury Retrograde

Retrograde Mercury starts positively as Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the sky.  This will bring peaceful communications, harmony, and enjoyment.   

6/3-6/8 – Caution!

Mercury squares Neptune transit twists supposing which clouds and hazes communication. Focus can lack accurateness and misunderstanding. The overzealous minds conflict with reasoning and logical processes of thought resulting in self-deception and the formation of the individual version of accuracy. This raises complexity and indecision. 

Mercury rules all communication.  Neptune rules illusion.  These 2 planets are in their ruling signs.  When they come together, it can lead to fabrication.  Since these 2 planets are in mutable signs, seeing a goal or idea to completion lacks stability.  Mutable signs may over multi-task to the point of becoming scattered.

Forgetting duties, ideas, and responsibilities are common.  Miscommunication is heightened with these 2 planets in aspect.

Telephones and electronics are ruled by Mercury. However, with aspects to Neptune, Mercury based items are likely to break completely, disappear, or develop permanent damage.

Mercury retrograde offers an opportunity to handle unfinished business. However, it is not recommended to start new projects. Contracts and agreements need to be carefully analyzed before signing.

Under Mercury retrograde expect your electronic devices to crash. So making a backup is vital. Travel delays and traffic jams are normal.

Below are some DO’s and DON’T’s:


1. Review all documents before signing carefully.

2. Add tracking and insurance to important mail and/or packages as Mercury has rulership with the post office and other mail couriers.

3. Give yourself extra time for appointments and travel.

4. Focus on the prefix, re: renew, review, revamp, redecorate, etc

5. Reunions with old friends and loved one go great however be prepared for delays.

6. Expect to have contact with people from your past

7. Run antivirus software on your computer and other electronic devices.


1. Make new purchases especially car, technical equipment, telephone equipment and/or electronic equipment.

2. Sign contracts or make an oral agreement without a careful scrutiny. Wait until Mercury turns direct . Yet waiting for the shadow to be completed gone will be better.

3. Make long term commitments

4. Turn in unchecked work.

5. Make a mass mailing hit the post office. Save your stamp expense until Mercury goes direct. Though electronic mass mailings do not cost, it would be better if it can be postponed until Mercury turns direct.

6) Make software updates.

Finally, expect for some funky turn in events. Usually lost luggage is retrieved on a retrograde Mercury. I have heard stories of airlines “suddenly” delivery a suitcase many years later to the rightful owner. Retrieving other that were once lost is common. Also, expect certain gadgets to start working after they stopped.

Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!

Love and Money in Tarot

Major Arcana In Tarot Love & Money

Three or more Major Arcana cards in a Tarot reading means you and your partner are in for some major changes in this area. The optimism of an auspicious start comes with the Fool card.  However, the end of a long and maybe painful cycle comes with the World card.  

Cups Cards Love & Money

The Cups cards in the Tarot are great to get in reading on the state of your connection and your shared finances. Cups signify deep feelings, intense feelings, and many combinations of love and relationships. Relying on the particular card in the Cups Suit, some of them can discuss different types of partnerships, including business and platonic. If you get flipped cards in the Cups Suit, it signals emotional blocks between you and your partner, deception from one side of the equation, or the need to stop dwelling in the past when it comes to financial mistakes made by either party.

Wands Cards Love & Money

Usually, this indicates your love life is about to embark on great passion and excitement. The Wands cards in the Tarot also signal power and action.  This means you and your partner are full and equal partners both in your finances and in your romantic partnership. Reversed Wands cards signify pessimistic feelings about finances and romance. So trying to find inspiration and passion is needed.  

Swords Cards Love & Money

Many Sword cards mean you or your partner might start a business together in the future or you could work together in the present indicating new ideas or ventures. But Sword cards in the upright could also talk about some sort of struggle regarding shared finances. In the reverse, Sword cards could indicate difficult choices, burning out on the partnership, and the need for time to heal.

Pentacles Cards Love & Money

Pentacle cards signify abundance in love and finances. Many Pentacles in a reading indicate you and your partner are or will experience a bountiful romantic and financial life together. If reversed, this could signal a desire of you or your partner to hold onto your money, fear of financial loss, or being obsessed with material possessions. 

Lets see what the Tarot cards have in store for you! Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777!  Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience.  We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!