Septar-Repurposed Solar Returns

A Septar is a German word for Solar Horoscope. In the Munich Rhythm Theory, a chart has a term of 7 years for each house clockwise. The computations for planetary releases are structured and overlap with other forecasting methods. Seeing a trend of similar influences confirms that the event is likely to take place. I like to see 2-3 assurances especially when forecasting career changes, marriage, divorce, relocation, etc.
The Septar chart is a sub-level chart that gives added clues in 7-year increments. Each house has a revolution of 7 months. The entire Septar chart is for 84 months. A Septar is solar based (the Sun sign) chart.
Think of Septars as repurposing a previous Solar Return. This is not traditional Astrology. Instead, this is genius innovative material Doebereiner researched. The key to this technique is to draw the location of the return for the actual birthplace even if the native has relocated out of that place and no longer lives there.
1st Septar is the birth chart starts on the day of birth (zero); it applies from ages 0 to 7.
2nd Septar is the solar return for one year after birth; it applies from ages 7 to 13.
3rd Septar is the solar return two years after birth; it applies to ages 14 to 20.
4th Septar is the solar return three years after birth; it applies to ages 21 to 27.
5th Septar is the solar return four years after birth; it applies to ages 28 to 34.
6th Septar is the solar return five years after birth; it applies to ages 35 to 41.
7th Septar is the solar return six years after birth; it applies to ages 42 to 48.
8th of Septar is the solar return seven years after birth; it applies to ages 49 to 55.
9th Septar is the solar return eight years after birth; it applies to ages 56 to 62.
10th of Septar is the solar return nine years after birth; it applies to ages 63 to 69.
11th of September is the solar return ten years after birth; it applies to the ages of 70 to 76.
12th of September is the solar return eleven years after birth; it applies to ages 77 to 83.
13th of September is the solar return twelve years after birth; it applies to the ages of 84 to 90.
Recently, I found a Septar that blew my mind. The Septar for the client mirrored her fiancé’s chart to a tee! Sometimes I wonder how much free will we have.
Next time we will use an example chart to illustrate Septars in more detail. Call our Psychics, Tarot Readers for insights in love and career. Try the network for just $1 minute! 1-800-498-8777! Our Network Established in 2001 and has 3 decades of experience. We know how to staff only the BEST Psychics!