Psychic Kirlian Photography

Psychic advisors read auras too.
A tool used by psychic readers is the the Kirilan photograph.
Around everyone’s body there is an aura. Psychic readers can decode an aura without the use of Kirlian photography. Others enjoy using Kirlian cameras that carries snapshots of the aura with quite a degree of accuracy. There is no right or incorrect way of reading an aura. Nevertheless, including an alternative way of accomplishing so is always useful.
Kirlian imaging, named after Semyon Kirlian, was accidentally discovered in 1937. To take a Kirlian image, a person is placed on a photographic plate which is electrically away from certain electrodes. Then another electrode is connected to the person. An image is burned onto a photographic plate. Kirlian called the captured image the “life energy” of the object, also known as the aura. Scientists label this effect a corona discharge. Anything can be photographed—from an inanimate object to any living species. Even a location has energy and thus an aura. If you are looking at a piece of property, this is another way to analyze the energies surrounding the place.
Kirlian photography, both the techniques and equipment, have gone through many development stages and upgrades over the years. The AuraCam 6000 produces colored pictures showing the person superimposed with brightly colored clouds of light around them. To be photographed by an AuraCam picture, the person sits and rests their hands on a galvanometer, and an electromagnetic image results that includes the aura.
A camera?
The colors and textures in the Kirlian image or aura is interpreted by a specialist such as a psychic, spiritualist or aura reader. This can give information about the subject’s emotional, spiritual, and physical health. Mr. Kirlian believed that these images could predict physical and emotional health and would enable easier diagnosis of possible illness.
When it comes to using any tool to forecast the future, caution is needed. Surely Kirlian photography can aid in getting more details about a subject. However, as a standalone technique I would never recommend it because there is limited research in the area of Kirlian photography divination. For example, if a person was diagnosed with a specific health ailment, one cannot go back and photograph the person. It would be too late. However, one can photograph the person and review the aura and start a file, taking a photo at regular intervals to see if there are any changes in the aura. This type of research would need to be conducted with a number of people over a fairly long span of time to achieve reliable results.
In my person opinion, I believe Kirlian photography is a brilliant tool that can be included in a person’s reading, but relying on just the Kirlian image would be of limited use. I do like the idea of a person being able to take an image of an aura for a reading, as it helps the psychic give the client more details that may be relevant to their current situation.
Be sure to check out articles on How to See and Interpret Auras, Developing Psychic Abilities, Psychic Tools – No Hard and Fast Rule, Psychometry
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