Aquarius Sun Virgo Rising
Aquarius Sun with Virgo Rising: Reliable and astute, this combination needs to find a balance. You are more methodical and organized than other Aquarians. The humble and simple disposition calms the desire to become independent. Your concentration and application make you a reliable worker.
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Aquarius Sun Taurus Rising
Aquarius Sun with Taurus Rising: You may fall in love at first sight. That helps you moderate your tendency to silence your feelings. Uranus also helps Venus to be a little more inventive, imaginative, and kinky. There is a battle within between spontaneity and stability that will require attention.
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Aquarius Sun Scorpio Rising
Aquarius Sun with Scorpio Rising: This combination adds more depth to your independence and autonomy. Sci- Fi, murder mysteries, thrillers, and special genres fascinate you. You can exercise your artistic endeavors by creating unique works of art. Also, this combination is capable of forming a revolution.
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Aries Sun Gemini Rising
Aries Sun with Gemini Rising: You are energetic and resourceful. Talkative and restless, as you reach a goal, you are ready to go in search of another ideal. Gifted by writing, teaching, communicating, and multi-tasking, there will be many ventures accomplished.
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Aries Sun Taurus Rising
Aries Sun with Taurus Rising: You have a preoccupation with money, which will give you personal security and peace of mind over the support of your family. Yet, you value your time retreating inwardly by concentrating on yourself. You are attracted to beauty, art, and aesthetics.
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Aries Sun Aries Rising
Aries Sun with Aries Rising: Daredevil! You have a thirst for power and energy. Born to rule, you demand loyalty and have a great initiative to face anything including acts of heroism. You will more than likely be the first or only one in most accomplishments. This combination needs a physical outlet to feel whole.
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Aries Sun Leo Rising
Aries Sun with Leo Rising: You are very independent and enthusiastic to undertake any fear with courage. Your leadership abilities make you draw crowds by showing yourself open and head-on. You will never be a second-class citizen. Higher education, travel, and spirituality will play a significant role in life.
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Aries Sun Cancer Rising
Aries Sun with Cancer Rising: Indecision and agitation are sore points. Accumulated frustrations can be from others. The revolution goes on inside. When someone offends you, a grudge is held for a long duration. Your career is a strong focus that will make you revolutionary and a pioneer.
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Aries Sun Scorpio Rising
Aries Sun with Scorpio Rising: You like to dominate and be dominated without being noticed. Even though you are determined and energetic, you can be insensitive to other people’s problems. There is a tendency to become overworked and exhausted. At times, you may take on projects too fast. Slowing down is crucial for your well-being.
Explore the many Astrology resources on video including Scorpio Sun and various Moon combinations as well as the Scorpio and various rising sign combinations.
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Aries Sun Libra Rising
Aries Sun with Libra Rising: While you have a strong drive, you are much more diplomatic than other Aries. Inside, war and peace will battle each other. In the end, peace will prevail over war and the momentum will be muted. Partnerships are the key to your success.
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