Mercury Retrograde 2/17-3/10

It’s that time of the year again. Mercury Retrograde starts February 17 through March 10th.
This retrograde will be in the sign of Pisces. Anticipate communication to become poetic, reflective, and dreamy. A Mercury Retrograde can cause a person think on a deeper level. Often, one can re-think things. Examining feelings and developing deep empathy is very possible.
The most challenging portion of this retrograde will occur between February 17 through the 22nd as Mercury is in a
Sesquiquadrate aspect to Saturn. That combination with Saturn and aspect will result in delays and communication loss. Be extra careful during these first few days in getting your income taxes processed.
After the 22nd of February, this retrograde improves especially when Mercury travels back into Aquarius on March 4. Mercury will enter a better place for thought, communication, and clarity.
Always avoid making purchases and signing contracts. In the event of a dire car repair, I advise using a rental car. Mercury rules cars and repair work is not recommended.
2 years ago an individual whom I met at a luncheon discussed purchasing a home as his work was relocating him to a new state. I was asked my opinion if it was a positive time to make such a change. Clearly, I stated it would not be. The response was a snickering eyebrow raise. Recently I was informed that the individual was terminated from his employment and had to relocate 200 miles for another job. He was stuck with the property he purchased and regretted buying the property.
Also, a friend recently shared that he filed a complaint 5 years ago with the Better Business Bureau in his city regarding a business. That complaint was dire at the time. The matter settled a few months later without a response from the BBB. Well, recently the BBB reached out to him to resolve the issue as if it were current. Well, I suppose its better late than never! Action taken on a retrograde can be delayed.
Also, this is an incredible time to make emotional and healing break-through. Scorpio can deeply beneath the surface to bring about necessary purging and transformation.
Since Pisces is water and Aquarius is electrical, under no circumstances should extensive home renovations be completed. be done in a household under this retrograde. It can lead to dissatisfactory results.
As usual, telephones and electronics are ruled by Mercury. So expect:
1) Major recalls.
2) Many technical errors.
3) The product is delayed and a new date is launched.
4) Loss.
The better date to purchase new devices will be after March 10. Some people may believe that insurance and warranties make it safer to purchase on a retrograde. That may hold, please know the keyword is SAFER, NOT SAFE. For those taking the plunge during the retrograde, another challenge that occurs is data loss by transferring from one device to another device under a retrograde. Also, having to re-transfer data again can be a time waste. You will be better off waiting.
Mercury retrograde offers an opportunity to handle unfinished business. However, it is not recommended to start new projects. Contracts and agreements need to be carefully analyzed before signing.
Under Mercury retrograde expect your electronic devices to crash. So making a backup is vital. Travel delays and traffic jams are normal.
Below are some DO’s and DON’T’s:
DO …
- Review all documents before signing them carefully.
- Add tracking and insurance to important mail and/or packages as Mercury has rulership with the post office and other mail couriers.
- Give yourself extra time for appointments and travel.
- Focus on the prefix, re: renew, review, revamp, redecorate, etc
- Reunions with old friends and loved ones go great, however, be prepared for delays.
- Expect to have contact with people from your past
- Run antivirus software on your computer and other electronic devices.
- Make new purchases especially a car, technical equipment, telephone equipment and/or electronic equipment.
- Sign contracts or make an oral agreement without scrutiny. Wait until Mercury turns direct. Yet waiting for the shadow to be completed gone will be better.
- Make long term commitments
- Turn in unchecked work.
- Make a mass mailing hit the post office. Save your stamp expense until Mercury goes direct. Though electronic mass mailings do not cost, it would be better if it can be postponed until Mercury turns direct.
6) Make software updates.
Finally, expect some funky turn in events. Usually lost luggage is retrieved on a retrograde Mercury. I have heard stories of airlines “suddenly” delivering a suitcase many years later to the rightful owner. Retrieving others that were once lost is common. Also, expect certain gadgets to start working after they stopped.
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