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Samuel Schiffer & Yocheved Schiffer (maiden: Bleier)– Theft/Money Laundering

Be sure to read on Yocheved’s father Rabbi Robert Bleier.

Suffern, NY: Yocheved Schiffer a/k/a Yocheved Bleier: Prostitution, Drugs, and Money Roll! These are just some details Yocheved admitted about her husband, Samuel, over the telephone. Since she dodged paying us, her recordings are released. Feel free to listen to all corruption below.

Yocheved also admitted to Samuel hiding money in different countries under different alias including Switzerland, Israel, and more. 

If you are going to do business with her, beware, she will deceive you as well. Yet, her behavior is beyond volatile. Samuel had to obtain a restraining order against her. Usually, a female obtains a restraining order against a male. For a man to obtain a restraining order against a female is less common.  

Yocheved Schiffer is not suited for representing a company, product, service, and/or any responsibility. She lacks honesty, integrity, focus, or vision. She has brought shame to her father, a Rabbi, and many in the Jewish community.  This is quite a shock to Orthodox. According to Merriam Webster, the definition of Orthodox is constituting any of various conservative religious. Yet, there is nothing conservative about theft, dishonesty, manipulation, and abuse regardless of religion.

Yocheved Schiffer (maiden Bleier) accumulated over 10 hours of talk time with our advisors and has dodged payment. Both are part owners of High Field Gardens Care Center. We will circulate this to the staff, patients, and family of the patients of this facility.

Apparently, she was using her husband’s credit cards with Commerce Bank. The card number changed on 3 occasions on a 6 week period. Samuel threatened Commerce Bank and disputed over 60 transactions at our business. As a retaliation against his wife, he is refusing her charges.

Yet these are Orthodox Jewish individuals that practice a religion falsely. They have stolen from our business. In the Orthodox faith, theft is not permitted.

Interestingly, Yocheved stated that her husband has money hidden in different countries, money laundering, and other illegal practices. Yet, Samuel was a Rabbi? Well, found out her father is a Rabbi.

For Commerce Bank to condone such practices is equally corrupt. Enclosed are the recordings to all her calls. The total is over 9 hours of audio footage.

We discovered some relatives to the Shiffer’s include: Jonathan Bleier, Sorah Bleier, and Rabbi Robert Bleier. Together they are part of Highfield Holdings, LLC 199 Community Drive, Great Neck NY. This is a nursing facility. We are circulating this to all the staff of that nursing facility as well.

Commerce Bank Condones Credit Card Theft

If you are seeking a Visa Card with a bank that condones theft after you purchase a product or service, try with Commerce Bank.  You may be able to get your product and services and then dispute the charges without a hassle

Samuel Schiffer and his wife, Yoscheved, charged over 50 transactions at our business in a 6 week period. The reason for this is because our phone readings are in 10 minute increments.  In an hour it’s easy to accumulate 6 transactions.

Even though we have submitted rebuttals showing the contradictions the customer asserted in which they were disputed under different category codes, it seems apparent, that Commerce Bank was threatened by the main card holder, Samuel.

So if you want to ruff a bank up by threatening that you will close all your other accounts, this is the bank for you.  Apply now and steal later!

Aquarius Sun Aquarius Rising

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Aquarius Sun Aries Rising

Aquarius Sun with Aries Rising:  You take your idealism to a Utopian extreme. Your sense of independence is extreme.  Your daredevil quality is second nature. There is a need to avoid falling into fanaticism as you may not realize it especially when driving vehicles or motorcycles. 

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Aquarius Sun Cancer Rising

Explore the many Astrology resources on video including Aquarius Sun and various Moon combinations as well as the Aquarius and various rising sign combinations.

For a private trusted and accurate reading, call our Psychics at 1-800-498-8777 or do an online chat reading .

Aquarius Sun with Cancer Rising:  Your receptive memory can serve you in innovative tasks.  Your partner’s support and finances are crucial to your advancement.  Areas of sex, death, occult, insurance, and surgery are other strong themes in your life that may extend professionally.

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Aquarius Sun Capricorn Rising

Aquarius Sun with Capricorn Rising:  Patient and hard-working, this combination shares the rulership of Saturn.  Work and goals are a large part of your focus. There may be a tendency to become overworked.  Balance is required in your social life especially when it comes to nurturing a partner.

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Aquarius Sun Gemini Rising

Aquarius Sun with Gemini Rising:  You know very well what you want, but you want many things and all at once. Your wit amazes those around you. You are a master of communication.  You support causes with solidarity.  Many talents exist within publishing. 

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Aquarius Sun Leo Rising

Aquarius Sun with Leo Rising:  You can feel compassion for the weak and generous of your heart. Doors open for you to develop all your creative powers. Your freedom ends where the others begin. Special talents to music, especially music that is different from most genres is prevalent.

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Aquarius Sun Libra Rising

Aquarius Sun with Libra Rising:  This combination results in a creative socializing. This balanced personality will always have measured and diplomatic reactions. Gentleness joins tact in the social environment and so you have a way to reach people intellectually and emotionally.

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Aquarius Sun Pisces Rising

Aquarius Sun with Pisces Rising:  Your renunciation is so complete that you can hold high religious or artistic positions. Your actions will always have a humanitarian tinge.  It is necessary to maintain lucidity, so that you do not compromise yourself with Utopian dreams.  The need to retreat alone is vital to feeling refueled.

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