Astrology Forecast – Part 2

The year is off to a combustive start. In the next 7 days, we are entering a red zone with the astrological planetary cycles. This weekend brings together a very strong planetary aspect, Saturn Conjunct Pluto. The Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) also triggers it on Friday. Strains with and Iran will escalate. This aspect stays in consequence until the 22nd of January.
When these 2 planets come together usually there are some issues with the stock market as well. Pay extra careful attention to investments. Now is not the time to take action.
On a side note, I would like to also make a forecast regarding the Queen of Pop, Madonna. Use this information, observe, and see the accuracy of planetary activity.
This Saturn/Pluto conjunction is a problem Madonna’s chart as it is an exact Quincunx to her natal Sun. She has been on a theatre tour for Madame X since September 2019. The tour faced several cancellations in every city. Recently, she canceled her Boston dates and her last date in Florida due to health concerns. She claimed to be in a lot of pain.
The problem is that the Sun in Madonna’s chart is receiving concerning aspects. The Sun is the giver of life and vitality. Quincunx aspects require adjustments, changes, sacrifices, and health aspects. When Pluto impacts the Sun, surgery may be required. Also, Pluto may be forceful, where issues beyond one’s control take place. Saturn can bring delays, restrictions, and issues with the skin, teeth, bones, and knees. With both of these planets in Capricorn during this conjunction, health concerns will increase for Madonna.
According to the tour schedule, she is will be opening up in Portugal this weekend. It seems more than likely she may need to adjust her entire show. Perhaps she may be forced to do less dancing, and/or adjust a lot of her choreography. This tour has been rocky from the very start. Now that these planets are aspecting her Sun, it is very likely she may cancel a lot more shows or the rest of the tour.
These are very serious aspects that can take a toll on one’s health if not given attention and result in consequences when resisted.
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